
Friday, September 9, 2011

Knight of Swords. Mental activity.

   I drew the knight of swords after what I felt like was a pretty hit-and-miss kind of day. The blowing winds on the cards were certainly matched by the rain and lightning storms that were prevalent through the day and we did enough charging about too! We went out for lunch with a friend and ended up being chased by wind,lightning and rain in an attempt to find a dry spot good hike. We were rained back into the vehicle numerous times and at several stops, although we did get to see a snake laying across the path enjoying the warmth of the asphalt. He certainly seemed in no rush.
   Anyway...the court cards often represent people and I often am unsure how to fit them into a reading especially if they fall by themselves. The readings I do tend to be short on personal info and more about situations and how to bypass them, so when I encounter a court card it is kind of like finding an Uno card in my poker hand.
   The knight on the horse certainly seems to be in a hurry to get somewhere, so hurriedly he only had time to put on one glove. He races into the winds, his sword raised and a look of panic on his horse's face. Maybe he is racing back and forth with no real destination, looking for a way to be useful. The birds above his head also seem to display the same lack of cohesion and the card seems to speak of hurrying, almost for hurrying's sake. The birds adorning his cloak and on the horse's barding suggest a  flightiness..certainly coupled with the butterflies which in this card only emphasise that particular element rather than bringing in any real transformation.
     The suit of swords represents thoughts and mental activity and I am reminded of my own thoughts..although to say thoughts would be a misnomer. During a meditation late last night I asked about how I could learn to see in greater clarity with regards to seeing energy and clairvoyantly. It is not that I cannot, but it is as though a gauze is over my eyes. The answer came that I need to cleanse the visual impressions away from my mind more regularly. Sure enough, when I relaxed into it I saw the activities of the day dancing before my eyes. I had spent quite a bit of time playing a video game and all I could see was the back and forth movement of the game, as if I was an incredibly indecisive hummingbird. In the game the character is stuck on a deserted island and plagued by zombies and now all I could see was my frantic scrambling up and down pathways and the constant shifting of scenes. I had intended to run a second blog about reviewing games along side this one, but I get the impression it may well be too much of a stretch. I may end up like the knight on horseback..running back and forth on a mental level to try and make everything work.
        The knights often represent masculine active energy and in this instance those brought into play in the mind. In this particular combination it is not particularly helpful and can suggest a frenetic situation, they often can be regarded as messengers of whichever energy they serve.
    Maybe the knight is simply showing me the futility of frantic action with no real cause, which is certainly a good reflection of the day in which nothing of any real substance was achieved. In the end I just chalked it up to being one of those days!

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