
Monday, September 5, 2011

Kundalini...a description

Kundalini refers to the energy that coils at the base of the spine around the sacral bone. It can be awakened through yoga, meditation or in many different ways. When it awakens, the energy moves from the base of the spine up to the crown of the head activating and clearing the energy centres it meets along the way. This process can be as sudden and shocking as a lightning bolt, or as slow and gentle as a lover's caress. in my experience it can can vacillate between the two!  The awakening is often accompanied by uncontrollable shaking (Kriyas) and mystical insights. The Kriyas are often caused by old, stagnant and deeply embedded patterns, toxins and belief systems being released rapidly. This process can be surprising to anyone not expecting it as it can be accompanied by other stimuli such as buzzing, tingling, unusual sensations in the body and emotional releases.

Of course, every ache or pain is not to be attributed to a Kundalini awakening and I fully recommend making sure that any process is treated with care and attention. Often a kundalini experience may be behind a physical complaint, but that does not negate the fact that there is a physical complaint! 

I have gone through a variety of amazingly joyful and darkly painful experiences on my own journey into the depths of my self over the years.

I have called this blog Kundalini Surge as experiencing my own Kundalini awakening has been profoundly powerful. The information on the Kundalini experience is difficult to find and often extremely limited. Many people who end up going through one of these awakenings are often alone and without guidance and can often end up diminishing their own experience in order to fit it in with the currently limited views of society.

There is no simple way to deal with this broad issue as the experiences are as unique as the individuals who find themselves in the midst of them. I make no claim to be in receipt of all the information and all I can do is to pass on my own subjective experiences in the knowledge that it will find its way into the hearts and minds of those who may benefit from it.

This blog therefore is primarily a journal of my own experiences and thoughts through my own process. If I talk with certainty, it is only the certainty borne of my own (often repeated) subjective experiences. 

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