
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Breaking the cycle of guilt and blame.

  After some serious introspection inspired by my previous post (The Moon Card), I have discovered that I appeared to be involved in a cycle of guilt and blame.
    Reading up on the idea of blame, you could be forgiven for thinking that it is a terrible thing and totally without merit. But, there are many instances where blame is totally valid and denying it can have greater consequences than accepting that you feel that way. There are instances in which people have a genuine grievance against another party. It doesn't take much to imagine such a scenario, such as a theft or an unprovoked assault.  These are situations in which one individual is clearly responsible for another's suffering. There are plenty more examples that can be easily imagined and anyone who has suffered abuse at the hands of another is already familiar with this.
    For me guilt is inextricably tied up in this, it is certainly a personal situation that I am struggling with and I hope that forging my own way through this may be of benefit to others likewise seeking an understanding.
   But back to blame, we see that it is something that is passed on down the line from one person to another. It is most evident in families, where an abuse that has been enacted causes the victim to blame the perpetrator (quite correctly) for their experience. This can have long standing ramifications for the victim in that they may well continue the same type of behaviour. The problem lies in the fact that this chain can go further and further back, with each person in the chain quite rightfully blaming another for their actions.
      The now perpetrator feels guilt for their actions, but is incapable of taking responsibility as they feel they are not the true progenitors of the problem.  It stands to reason of course, who would want to take responsibility for their actions when those said actions stem from the mistreatment at the hands of another. Obviously, you can see it leads to a whole chain of people washing their hands of responsibility, yet feeling guilty for their actions which they feel powerless to resolve (i.e if only so-and-so would just take responsibility for the way they treated me, then I wouldn't behave like this).
      I am recognising my own part in the cycle of guilt and blame in my own life. I know I cannot rely on the perpetrator of my blame ever recognising and resolving it, because I feel the same way about my guilt. It all feeds back to the source. My financial insolvency links back to other situations in which I blame others, yet it causes me to treat others in the same manner I abhor. There is no gain in staying within the chain. It has a reality all of its own and the cycle perpetuates itself through external circumstances because the subconscious is programmed to repeat the same cycle until the loop is resolved.
     Trying to step out of it is a trial all in itself. Simply taking responsibility for your actions may well be part of it, but the responsibility is not all yours. There is a segment that is the perpetrators. Good luck in getting them to take that on! Even if you do take it on martyr style, your own unconscious is never going to let you get away with it and it will never be a true admission of guilt. You can ignore it, but the situations will continue to play out and the universe really isn't going to do your work for you. You can try and force the prior perpetrator to acknowledge their actions and the effect they had, but they too are likely victims of another and cannot give you true recompense.
    So what is the answer? How do we step out of this chain without relying on the shaky possibility that it will be broken in the link before us? Like anything else, the answer lies in becoming increasingly conscious. Recognising that your blame, however accurate and legitimate will not and cannot give you release. Even if your perpetrators do apologise, it will never be a true apology if they are chained to others. The only way to be free is to break the chain at the point you are at.
    The first step is acknowledging your rightful anger or emotional response. What you do feel is legitimate, even if your perpetrator would prefer you not feel that way (it brings up their feelings of guilt). So this needs to be done by oneself or in the company of a trusted confidant, one who you know will not engage in oppositional responses or invalidate your feelings. It is okay to feel this way, to know that you should not be treated badly.
    The second step is to understand that your feelings were invalidated by their guilt, that getting in touch with your anger is a way of letting yourself know that it is not right that you were treated in such a fashion. The process is for you, not for them and showing them your anger at this point would simply invalidate your feelings once more. They could do this by switching blame back to you, becoming angry in turn or other tactics to try and return the feelings of guilt that they do not wish to own (which in truth, were probably never theirs either).
    The third step is understanding that if these feelings arise again, then they represent a healthy response from yourself. The problem arose when you let their guilt invalidate your feeling response. Learning to trust your own natural emotional responses to situations is paramount. You can allow them to feel however they wish, it doesn't invalidate your feelings. You are not obliged to act in any way they want and if it makes them feel bad then that is their responsibility not yours.
    If you have been a perpetrator (and it is likely you have engaged in the same tactic somewhere else in your life) then you must be willing to accept your part of your actions. Trust your feelings, if you feel remorse over your actions then it is good to redress the balance. If you have acted badly, own up to it. Recognise that now you are free from the control of the others before you and that the cycle stops here.
    If you can truly feel, validate and trust your own feelings then these situations of blame and guilt will die away with the breaking of the chain. People will subconsciously notice that where you were once prone to guilt and blame you are no longer powerless. The situations that were once powered by this weakness will diminish and eventually completely disappear, or if they do resurface then you will remain above such attempts at manipulation.

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