
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

10 of Cups. The happy ending.

I was a little nervous in drawing the first card for the beginning of this blog given that it would to some degree influence the entire situation. 

This card actually seemed to leap out of the deck as I was shuffling the cards to begin. 

The 10 of cups is one of the minor arcana and as such usually symbolises the energy of a situation. They are not as powerful or as archetypal as the major arcana, but they are very helpful in giving a feel for how things are. 

The Cups of course are related to water, emotions and fluidity. In this particular card the ten cups are arrayed as if in a rainbow above the happy family. Being a ten it symbolises the end of a particular cycle, in this case a happy ending. It is a card of family and accomplishment in an emotional sense. The family appears happy and content, which is how I feel the energy of this card manifests. It suggests a happy family situation and contentment within that. The river leads you towards a house in an idyllic green setting. It suggests enjoying the fullness of life and a celebration of contentment, usually after a long period or difficult patch. 

Of course since the 10 is the end of a cycle, it will be followed by a new beginning, but this is not indicated by the card, only by its position in the suit.

This card has a lot of meaning for me and my wife. This was the card that kept coming up as we planned to get married, suggesting that all would turn out well and we would find contentment and happiness. At the time this card came up we were having difficulties with the green card process I was undergoing and whenever there was a disagreement between us this card would without fail show up for us. The number of times it re-occurred was beyond belief, often occurring consecutively in reading after reading. 

So I see this as a positive indicator of the emotional gains to be made with this tarot blog and that there will be a happy ending to it. Unusual to start with an ending, but somehow fitting :)

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