
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Tarot Blog Introduction

As part of my blog I am going to pull a card a day every few days and do an analysis on it. Hopefully this will let me get familiar with some of the cards that I never seem to draw and will allow me to understand the archetypal energies behind the cards.

It will most likely also include personal elements as I don't think one can separate the readings from what is occurring in my personal life. It should also give me a great deal of insight into my own inner workings! The deck I am going to use is the Radiant Rider Waite Deck ( I will include a link at the bottom if you want to check it out). I love this deck because the cards are very bright and cheery and it helps keep my readings positive as I have a tendency to become too intense! I used to use the Crowley deck as I felt this was a slightly more advanced deck in terms of coming to understand some of the deeper symbolism in the cards, but I found with my intense energy I was getting somewhat morose readings.

For reference I have used all kinds of resources, but there are two I primarily refer to in the event I get stuck or just need another perspective. The first is called The Only Tarot Book You'll Ever Need by Skye Alexander and the second is a book called Star Tarot Revelations. This book is unfortunately not available for general release. It was written by a very talented lady who is no longer with us by the name of Alexa Young, eventually it will see release, but it has had only a very limited run. If you are desperate to get your hands on a copy get in touch and I can see if I can can request more copies from her daughters.

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