
Thursday, September 15, 2011

9 of Cups. Satisfaction.

  It seemed like the deck was giving me a little bit of a break when I was handed the 9 of Cups. The previous cards, while maybe not as intense as they can get were still quite revelatory to me.
   The nine of cups is all about pleasure and emotional and hedonistic pleasures at that. The gentleman in the card seems very pleased at the array of cups behind him on the table. The bright yellow of the card tells you it is a positive card and the blue contrasts in a pleasing way.
   My first impression when examining this card was that the cups are there, not for him, but for all those he has invited. I can imagine him proudly hosting a gathering for all his friends and being the generous host. He sits with his arms folded in satisfaction and that is the real meaning behind the card, satisfaction and pleasurable rest after hard work.
   After all the work I have done recently on my self and dealing with the great amounts of negative energy that have been pouring forth, this card suggest a time of pleasurable self indulgence.
  I spent the day at the gym working out all the kinks in my system and I have really been quite hard on myself recently. I have made a great deal of progress and as is my wont, I usually don't allow myself to rest upon completion of a task. I was going to write a blog on all the issues that were still pending, but instead found myself taking a hot shower, reading some light hearted websites and deciding that this card was not to be put off. I am glad I did so, as I was feeling a little burned out from the intense introspection. There is also a stack of books I should be reading and I do genuinely wish to read them, but I have to be aware of my own limits.
   I have done the work and now it is time to step back and enjoy myself before I apply myself once more. It has taken me a few days to actually get around to this card as I felt I had so much input from so many sources. The card also speaks of the abundance of things to come and it  is a 9 which suggests the nearing of fullness, although not just yet. After breaking through several blocks that have dogged me for years, it does feel like the future is going to be bright and the array of cups is showing me that.
    The Tarot book I am using (see my beginning post) suggests that this is the best card in the minor arcana and is called the wish card. That when you draw this card that all you desire will come to pass. I had already stated a wish before I drew this all I need do is watch it come to fruition.

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