
Friday, September 16, 2011

9 of Swords. Stress and suffering.

 The 9 of swords is one of the darker cards in the deck, certainly in the minor arcana. Although like with all the cards, it is not necessarily "bad". It simply is a signifier of a certain type of energy and making you aware of the energy allows you to bypass it.
   This card is one of nightmares, stress, anxiety and mental overload. The swords represent the mental plane and they are the suit that is least favourable, certainly in multiples. Both the Swords and Wands, being air and fire respectively are more suited to subtler refined amounts and tend to become heavy and damaging the more you have of them. This is in opposition to Pentacles (money, earthiness) and Cups (emotions) in which it is generally preferable to have more of.
     The scene in the card shows a person with their head in their hands, presumably after being awoken by nightmares, or being unable to sleep because of a proliferation of thoughts. We have all had those nights when you just can't get to sleep because your mind won't stop turning. This card represents that very situation.
    The patchwork blanket alternates between roses and stitched depictions of mystical and astrological symbols. This adds to the multiplicity and confusion of the scene, as though there is just too much going on.
   The 9 in the card is showing that completion is near and the swords that point to the east suggest that this is only a temporary situation and this too shall pass. Given the nature of the swords, it is entirely possible that all the suffering is being caused by fears and anxieties and that they actually have no ground in reality. Much as a nightmare, switching on the light of consciousness will show you that it is only a mirage and a gross exaggeration of a fear.
    When I received this card it spoke to me of various tensions and stresses that have been going on in my life and in the lives of those around me. Many people I know have concerns about their situation, which could rapidly spiral out of control and induce decisions based out of fear. In fact simply talking about this has raised concerns regarding a close friend of mine and I realise this card may be talking of situations going on around me, rather than within me.
      Otherwise the symbolism of the card did have a message for me. The figure in the card has his hands placed over his eyes which is a form of meditation I have been experimenting with to help with opening my brow chakra. The idea being that complete darkness would provide a better ground for visualisation than the semi-light conditions I usually meditate in. When this is not comfortable I have been experimenting with an eye-mask  The card itself related to negative thoughts and thinking and I have understood that this is what is holding me back in this area, especially those related to judging others or seeing the negative more clearly.

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