
Friday, September 9, 2011

Kundalini Surges

  This actually a repost, but it is relevant to the nature of this site and it explains a little of my history with the Kundalini Energy. I posted this on January 13th 2010. 

Of recent I have been dealing with the upsurge (although downsurge would probably be more accurate) of kundalini energy in my body again. Now for those that aren’t familiar with the term kundalini, it is synonymous with the idea of the eros and the muse, or to put it simply… it is the energy of enlightenment. There is plenty of descriptions out there for those who care to look, but as for actual hard facts on this phenomenon, you can find very little outside of certain meditative practises. Even then they, from my humble experience, don’t go very much into explaining how to actually deal with the process that is involved once this terrifying force enters into one’s life. Mainly they discuss how to initiate oneself into the process (such as meditation, specific diets or certain esoteric techniques), but as the the actual process, it seems there is little guidance and many teachers I feel would be out of their depth in actually dealing with many of the hard realities that come with the process.
So, the best way for me to talk of it is to honestly outline my own experiences with the process. The first time I experienced a kria (this is similar to being hit by a mini shock of energy through the nervous system) was when I was travelling and deeply involved in my own spiritual practise. I was reading a book at the time (Bringers of the Dawn, by Barbara Marciniak) when I felt a surge of energy in my body. It seemed wholly limited to my upper torso and arms and it caused me to jerk as if I had touched an open circuit. My body felt a series of very short sharp spasms to pass through it, causing my arms to shake and my hands to open and close and contort spasmodically. This continued for a period of 10-15 minutes and although I felt I could have halted the process by exerting my will, it didn’t seem to be affecting me adversely and so I let it continue. This period was also followed by a feeling of great realisation, as if I had suddenly been inducted into a greater consciousness of reality. That we were only a fragment of the life that was out there in the cosmos and that understanding became a part of my awareness.
The weeks after the experience were filled with strange and wonderful synchronicities and other fragments of understanding percolating into my consciousness.  Over the years I have had very limited interactions with that type of energy. My life at the time was pretty upside down, so it was very simple to integrate the tumult that such realisations often bring and so they didn’t cause a great deal of upset.
Of recent though, it seems as though that energy is trying to make its way down through my hips and into my legs. It has been doing so for the 5 or 6 years since that first episode, but I don’t think I was able to fully assimilate the learning that that would have brought. I feel that I have had a great deal of resistance into bringing that type of realisation down to an earthly level and how that would actually impact the physical reality of how I would live.
As a result, the symptoms had taken on a decidedly unpleasant aspect. The energy now feels like a rhino trying to ram its way through a doggie door and the partition between my spiritual life and my earthly life  is crumbling. This physically manifests itself as severe jolts of energy striking at my pelvic area along my nerve pathways. Relaxing into this is a trial as it is often very painful and results in my hips bucking as the energy surges through. This can continue for around 15 minutes every night, often when I am too tired to deal with it in a gracious way :)
It has also been accompanied by migraine auras, but without the migraine. These are visual hallucinations of geometric zig-zag patterns that expand outwards and obscure vision with their intense light. Looking back I can see that this has been a constant process over the intervening years but simply knowing this does not always make it easy to deal with.  Looking for traditional medical explanations usually ends with you trotting off to see a doctor in case of possible neural damage. If I ascribe wholly medical reasons, I could assume I am suffering from severe sciatica, migraines without aura and possible nerve damage.  Yet, as we are all aware the medical model does not hold all the answers and there is definitely something greater behind this process.

   As of today (September 9th, 2011) I have managed to work with the energy and it is now opening up and flowing a lot smoother (it no longer disturbs my sleep). I will discuss the process I went through to get to this point later in my blog. Also I put a link in to the book I was reading at the time of the first awakening (it requires an open mind!).

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