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Thursday, April 3, 2014

Lion Dreams

  In the last couple of days I have had a few dreams with lions in. I am struggling to understand the meanings of the dreams and I felt maybe writing them out would help me understand and interpret them.
  In the first dream a few nights ago I was in the park with a co-worker and we were playing with a huge male lion. Both of us stood side by side and we were tossing a ball(?) for the lion to chase after. Much like you would for a dog. I decided to step away from my friend and we stood across from each other. He tossed the ball towards me and the lion charged across the field towards me. I was pretty frightened in the dream as the lion was full grown and being charged by one felt like a terrifying experience, even if I was not the subject of his attentions.
    As he neared I took a folded cloth from my pocket and unwrapped it, it was a bright leaf green and I knew it would act as a kind of "Kryptonite" to the lion, weakening him. It was made of fabric and the size of a small towel which I then held up in front of me.
   The lion appeared disappointed and then spoke to me saying "You aren't going to use that are you?" before the dream faded. He spoke in a regal voice and I got the impression I was doing him a dis-service by even thinking about using such an item. It left an impression on me, but I could not figure out what it could mean. I ascribed to it that maybe I was afraid of my own authority, or that I was trying to weaken my own strength and courage, but the fact that I had a second dream with similar symbols suggests I missed the point.
    The second dream involved me selling a muscle car to an interested buyer, who wished to have me put the car on top of his car so that he could drive it home in a convenient fashion. The only problem being that he was having trouble seeing out from underneath the car I placed on top of his. I then went indoors to receive my payment. I approached the counter and the teller brought out several large bearer bonds (the promissory notes banks often hold in their vaults) and wanted to pay me with those. My family was close on hand and were quick to inform me that that type of money was no good and I should refuse it, given the difficulty I would have redeeming it. As I flipped through the folder and was looking at all the bonds within I noticed a very large and thick solid gold coin, maybe 5" in width and easily 2-3" deep. It was inscribed with the picture of a lion facing forward with one of it's paws raised, along with several other symbols and embellishments. As soon as I saw the coin I knew that it was very valuable and all my doubts dissolved. I felt a feeling of rightness and even considered wearing it as an amulet or medallion. I then returned to the cheap circular tables at which my family were gathered and felt vaguely disappointed with them.
    The dream then moved to a perspective of me stood outside a rich manor house and I was looking for a lion statue, which I was supposed to kneel before upon it's discovery. There were several small lion statues around the property carved from black soapstone, with the lions stood rampant. But I felt these were not the correct statues and when I found them I would know and they would pass on something valuable to me. The dream finished with a whispered voice exhorting me to find the lions.
    The lions are trying to pass a message along to me, which I am patently failing to grasp. The strength and the power of the lion in the first dream was dramatic and stayed with me long after waking, along with a feeling of vague disappointment. In the second dream, it appears that I am being led in a certain direction by the lions in the dream, along with the promise of a large reward upon completion of the transaction.
    I took a look through several resources and they all point to lions being symbols of power, strength, boldness, courage and authority. It is also my sun sign (along with several other planets), but I believe this is the first time that a lion has appeared in my dreams with such clarity.
   I am curious as to where the lions will lead me...


  1. Hi Fabio. My interpretation of your dream is very different than your analysis. I think the lion was offended that you would suggest that something from the Tree of Life could be used against him, as the the lion rather prides himself at staying pure to the wild in contrast to the domesticated housecat, which troubles himself with the concept.

    Otherwise, your fears of the lion are suggestive of your own primal fears of the wild. The lion as "king of the jungle" revels in it and this, I would suggest, is your personal challenge or quest: how to balance primal wildness with your civilized Englishman.

  2. Hi Average, thank you for posting although I disagree as your interpretation doesn't fit for me personally. I am not dis-connected to my wild side and the lion for me is more a symbol of power and kingship. I wasn't afraid of the lion per se, but the power and authority it represents when it appears to confront me when I position myself in opposition. I am curious as to why you reference the tree of life and what is the object you are referring to.

  3. Maybe you are trying to suppress your fullest power from charging because of old beliefs and fears tied to letting people (like friends and family) down. From the statues around the house I get that you have already stepped into your power but not your most powerful power which deep down you know and are trying to suppress, maybe unconsciously telling yourself it's in the name of Love for family and friends but its because you actually have fears about it? Or maybe the fear because its a power that is bigger and beyond power itself, like the Lion that Rules itself. So you could be disappointed in yourself for not trusting yourself. I feel like there's some of energy you're playing with but are scared of and are therefore not letting it unfold naturally.

  4. I'm thinking fear of being fully embodied by your higher self, so you are following guidance but not letting spirit move through you in full force yet.

  5. Thank you for your thoughts Alexandrasoul. I have been suppressing my power somewhat and it has shown particularly through my holding back on my authority and wisdom for fear of being or seeming condescending. It has been more with strangers than with friends and family with whom I feel more comfortable.


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