So, it's been a while. The short story is I moved out west after hoping to secure a great job after a great interview. Truth is, it's been 6 months and I am still on the hook waiting to find out it I got it or not. In the meanwhile I took a job to pay the bills, a job I had to walk out of today. It didn't end well, but I am glad I stood up for myself and my health.
In other news, I took a break from the healing work. It was getting to the point in which I was getting no pleasure from it and was giving too much. Not sure where I stand with things and with the Tower card showing up in a couple of readings it looks like a time of dissolution is here. It may have just been a signifier for the end of the job, but it could portend bigger things as things are looking kind of dicey here.
Nevertheless I am here and intend to make a stand for myself. I am considering starting up writing on the blog here a little more, maybe crank out a few more card descriptions. It's late and I don't have direction for my talking other than life, so I will get back to this all soon.
In the meanwhile...goodnight.
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