I recently had a dream that involved multiple layers of fences that barred my way. In the dream the fences were so thick and numerous as to present an impenetrable wall, but there was a guide with me who urged me on. This guide was hazy, but they felt like a friend or a family member. They took my hand and brought me closer to the wall. Once at the wall he showed me that there was a way through each fence, that there was a cut here, or it wasn't properly pinned down there. He pushed a section of wire fence aside to show me a way through, even though if I stepped back it was still an overwhelming obstacle. What at first seemed impregnable, now seemed as though there were a hidden path through the barrier, a pathway through the labyrinth of tangled wires. Even as I stepped forward, my goal was still obscured by a forest of wires ahead and progress was only possible with faith in my companion and the conviction to take a single step when it was impossible to move quicker.
It mirrors what is going on in my waking world and that from an objective distance it seems as there is no way on, yet when I look closer, at each individual step, I see I can indeed continue on. I freely admit that my doubts have been stronger than my faith at times and cause me to hesitate, or even to take a few steps backwards. It is so easy to want to see oneself as a powerful hero with the strength to push down our obstacles, rather than the receptiveness to follow and trust in the strength and wisdom of another. That giving in to panic or fear will only trap you and enmesh you in a tangle of your own making. Each step I am reminded that I am still only a child in many ways and the guide of my soul is the only one who really knows the way. Maybe those that do not see my guide see his strength reflected in me as I hesitantly push aside the veils he has shown me are loose or unpinned.
I pray I can continue to follow in my guides footsteps without letting fear rule me and closing my eyes to the path ahead.
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